25.01.2021 • 

national Texts Quiz - Level F Part A Part B How does this person help people get more laughter in their lives? Other studies indicate that laughter can lower levels of stress hormones, while providing multiple physical benefits. "When you allow yourself a good, old-fashioned belly laugh, you are using your stomach muscles, shoulders, opening up your lungs and actually improving your posture," says psychologist Judy Kuriansky. At the same time, it may increase the activity of disease-fighting cells in the immune system. These effects are getting doctors' attention because they reveal that laughter may hold healing properties. In fact, this discovery is having a phenomenal influence on health care. He tries to replace medicine with humor therapy. He trains therapists to lead humor therapy sessions. He offers humor therapy to medical doctors. As evidence of the benefits of laughter mounts, hospitals and community centers around the country are offering humor therapy sessions for many types of patients. Psychologist (Steve Wilson trains laughter therapists to lead such sessions, which a doctor may even include in the treatment for a patient. “I believe that if people can get more laughter in their lives, they are a lot better off," he says.

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