12.12.2021 • 

Need help asap!! Read the following opening paragraph from Veronica's essay about gaining
experience with credit. Then answer the revision questions that follow.
(1) The summer I turned fourteen, I wanted to get a new skateboard, but instead of
saving the money I earned doing chores for neighbors, I spent it playing arcade
games and buying movies and CDs. (2) I asked my parents to loan me the skateboard
money. (3) I said I would pay them back later, but my dad told me no. (4) He said he
was sorry, but I appeared to be a bad credit risk. (5) Then he started teaching me
how to establish good credit. (6) Now, at seventeen, I'm proud to say that I have a
good credit score in my own name. (7) All young people can and should start building
their credit early. (8) The first step in developing my credit was to earn money and
open a savings account at my local bank.
Veronica has not used the most effective word in sentence 1. Which word should
replace get to create a more effective sentence?


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