26.04.2021 • 

!NO LINKS! The Giver tells Jonas that he has great honor,
but he does not have power in the community. The committee consults him very rarely, but otherwise, the Elders lead the community.
What qualities are important in a good leader? Create a page that highlights three of the most important qualities of a leader.
Explain why you think they are necessary for leadership. Add pictures or names of people and/or fictional characters who
exhibit all three of these qualities.
Write three 3-5 sentence paragraphs, one for each of the qualites. Add pictures or names of people and/or fictional characters who exhibit all three of these qualities.

I will be looking for strong paragraph structure, and strong descriptive explanations of the qualities, and good connections
with the pictures.
I WIll add the pictures just give me 3-5 sentences with NO link i know dam well there ain't no file bitly file with the answers
It not a hard project don't overthink it thank you have a blessed day !NOLINKS!

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