18.12.2020 • 

OK this is me and my best friends story- It all started in school my mom and her mom were best friends, then allie( my bff) well her parents divorce so allie her mom and allies little brother had nowhere to live so they came and stayed with use, for at least 2 years by then me and allie felt likes sisters. Then one day allies mom and some guy bet they stared dating and he was very nice then a fix happened between them then he left, 6 months latter a nother guy comes in allies moms life he was nice until he got drunk year latter tried choking someone (i'm not saying who) and allies mom never new now allies mom is married to him and its bean almost 4 year and i have not seen her not her mom not her not her little brother ,
(here's a pic of here and me )(she blond) (its a pic a really ice person made me)

OK this is me and my best friends story-

It all started in school my mom and her mom were best fr

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