09.02.2021 • 

One of the most celebrated artists of all time, Leonardo da Vinci was a man of many talents. He was a painter,
engineer, architect, anatomist, inventor, and sculptor. For
many, da Vinci is the ultimate example of a genius. Born in
1452, in Vinci, Italy, Leonardo da Vinci showed promise as
an artist early in his life. By the age 14, he was an
apprentice to Verrochio. Soon, da Vinci rivaled his master
and left the studio to work on his own. Next, the Duke of
Milan employed da Vinci in 1482 and allowed him to work
independently. Da Vinci moved to Mantua and then to
Venice a year later where he worked as a military engineer.
The genius traveled around and created more of his
masterpieces Da Vinci worked till his last day on Earth,
May 2, 1519.
Which of the following statements best explains why the
passage follows a sequence organization?
A biography should list the promises a person makes in his or
her life
A biography must always show the important works of a
A biography often shows why the events happen in an artist's
A biography usually shows important events in the order they

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