11.10.2020 • 

Option 2: For this option, you are to identify some of your own personal dragons. Analyze these dragons and your struggle with them, looking for similarities to the story of Beowulf. You are Beowulf. What are your
values and how are they manifested? How do you fight your dragons? Are you able to defeat them as
Beowulf defeats Grendel, or are there some that you continue to battle, unsure of the ultimate outcome? In
what ways are your personal dragons like Grendel? Like Grendel,s mother?
In this paper, you must use quotes from the text of Beowulf and correlate them to the ideas in your paper. In
other words, go back through the reading and find passages and events that seem to connect well with your
personal struggles. Explain how each correlates to your personal struggles. Why can't/don't we defeat all of
our dragons? Will they defeat us? Answer these questions in terms of your own personal experience.

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