27.10.2020 • 

Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause
level. By balancing the items in a pair or a series so that they have the same kind of
structure, it will make the sentence clearer and easier to read.
Examples: Peter likes the violin, the flute and the trumpet.
She played tennis, had a breakfast and went to college.
Instruction: Rewrite the following sentences. These sentences lack parallel
1. Cathy was not only Sarah's sister, but also she was her mentor.
2. If you go to the bookshop, please remember to pick up your books, buy some
stationary, and to look for a latest novel.
3. I spent four hours with Mr. Jonathan, reviewing my project performance,
evaluating my targets, and my future prospects with the organization was also
4. Mr. Johnson's speech was imprecise, monotonous, and should have been
5. John likes hiking, swimming, and to take afternoon naps.
6. They will not admit their mistake nor will they be apologizing.
7. Mrs. Davis need a new sofa, table and lamps for her TV lounge.
8. Literature classes teach students to analyze texts, think critically, and have
better writing.
9. He is man of great talent, ability and who is most intelligent.
10. They finally made the decision to go to university and what they would take in.
11. Every morning of our vacation, it either rained or there was snow.
12. He would rather play in the yard than studying.

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