27.11.2019 • 

passage 1:
"our steadfast incumbent jessie jones, clearly won the debate between the two senatorial candidates. challenger rick jefferson tried to throw him off his game by making unadvised and inappropriate comments about jessie's personal life, but jones simply stuck to the record, pointing out why his tax plan has worked so well and why jefferson's plan would be disastrous."

passage 2: "challenger rick jefferson won a remarkable victory in his debate with senatorial incumbent rick jones. though jones did his best to try to distract from the pertinent topic of his own character issues, jefferson held his feet to the fire and proved him to be the a deeply unreliable and sneaky politician. jefferson, by contrast, came across as a man of honesty and integrity.


the two accounts above speak of the same event, but report very different outcomes. tell what is different in these two accounts, and discuss why you think these differences present themselves.

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