27.06.2020 • 

Paul: "I never said such things!" Garr: "Preposterous! Of course you did! I heard it from across he room!" Paul: "I swear to you, man, I have never spoken ill of so much as a gnat" Garr: "Lies! I know your kind, Paul. Conniving, manipulative, insulting..." Paul: "Truly, Garr, your matter is of no insult to me. Now why would I slander the name of your beloved?" Garr: "You called her a rat. A dirty rat...With the teeth of one too!" Paul: "I do profusely apologize! I realized not that Petunia was a mouse. You must understand, the two look painfully similar." Garr: "I would have expected more from you. You call yourself a comrade?!? Some friend you are!" Paul: "Please! I implore you! Spare me your wrath!" Garr: "Don't worry, no wrath will fall upon your despicable skull. I'll be off now, never to see you again! Goodbye!" Paul: "Wait! Wait! Garr wait! You've left behind your rat Petunia!"

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