27.10.2021 • 

Please help with story idea! So I have this stroy idea for English that's a person talking to their spouse who just left them, adn they are trying to rationalize that fact that they are going to kill them. It is supposed to be in the horror genre. I want it to answer one of these questions:
What are you afraid of?
What emotion does the horror genre make most use of?
Why do many humans enjoy scary stories?
What are humans most afraid of?
Why has the horror genre become a vehicle for moralization?
What are the predominant horror tropes found in literature and film?
Why do different cultures respond differently to horror tropes?
Would life have meaning if it didn’t come to an end?
What does it mean to be human?
How do many humans seek meaning in their lives?
How can embracing death be a source of inspiration in life?
If we found a cure for death or if our consciousness could one day live without our bodies, what would change about the human experience?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to change the story so that it fits one of these questions?

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