08.06.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP! WORTH 100 POINTS Pretend you are a townsperson living in Verona. There have been several fights between the Capulets and Montagues and in the most recent one, Tybalt kills Mercutio and then is killed by Romeo. The Prince had previously said that the next people to fight in the town will be sentenced to death, but he has decided to banish Romeo instead. Write a letter to the Prince expressing whether you agree or disagree with his decision to banish Romeo and explain why. Make sure you mention at least two specific examples from the play to support your opinion. Include what you think he should have done or why he did the right thing, and how you are affected by the fighting and the banishment.
Fill out the lines below. For your 2 reasons, be sure to use examples from the story to help you.
Brainstorming/Preparing to Write:
I think the Prince’s decision to banish Romeo is: Fair Unfair
2 reasons to support my opinion:

A. If you disagree with the Prince, what do you think he should have done in this situation?

B. How has the fighting affected my life as a townsperson?

C. Does banishing Romeo make the situation in Verona better or worse? Why?

D. Does banishing Romeo make me trust the Prince more or less? Is he a good leader? Why or why not?

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