15.02.2020 • 

Purpose: After engaging in a range of discussions, evaluate participation as a listener and speaker through written responses. Summary: In this assignment, you will use the reading assignments from this and previous units to discuss a topic of your choice. You will participate in three discussions: a discussion with a peer, a small-group discussion, and a large-group discussion. Discussion Prompt Choose a topic that is central to one of the texts that you have read in this course. For example, you might choose to discuss whether a character from one of the stories has what it takes to be considered a hero. Assignment Instructions Step 1: Choose a topic for your discussion. a) Select a topic and text from one of the Read assignments for this quarter. b) Brainstorm with your peers and teacher to decide on a topic that everyone can discuss. Step 2: Prepare for your discussion. a) Gather your own ideas about your topic. b) Review the text and look for relevant details, descriptions, quotations, and examples that support your ideas. c) Keep notes as you prepare so you can access your ideas and supporting evidence during the discussion. Step 3: Engage in a discussion with one of your peers.

ill give brainliest and 50 pts!!!

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