19.05.2020 • 

Read chapter 56 & 57 of Life of Pi
The fear quote is "fear is sometimes good"
Read th.e "Fear" quote given to y.ou in class today
Write a synthesis essay comparing Pi's ideas/feelings about fear and the ideas/feelings expressed in the quote.
Your essay ne.eds to accomplish the following:
Analyze both Pi's .views on fea.r an.d the author of the quote.s views on fear (what are they?). and contrast th.e two views
Use at least tw.o pieces of textual evide.nce from the novel to support. your analysis and synthesis
Write your own "fear" .quote expressing your. ideas and feelings about fear.
Analy.ze your ow.n feeling and id.eas bout fear. based on you.r quote. Is it useful? A hindrance? Does it insp.ire you or inhibit you?

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