12.02.2021 • 

Read the passage A New Place
Cameron leaped off the bus and searched frantically for 515 Barclay Boulevard. His brand new dress shoes the kind people wore mostly to
family gatherings, pounded the sidewalks, Cameron maneuvered between harried, purposeful businesspeople, all of whom appeared to know their
exact destinations
Cameron peered at the street signs, simultaneously smoothing his tie and checking for creases in his suit. His eyes flicked to his watch9:37
am-and he needed to be there by 10:00. Barclay Boulevard was supposed to be two blocks from the bus stop, and he had already walked for six
or was it seven?
He doubled back to the bus stop at the corner of Lexington and Boylston, then down a side street he had overlooked. Enormous silver
lettering practically screamed "515," and Cameron unthinkingly plowed through everyone between him and the silver lettering.
As he stood before the doors, his sweaty fist gripped the handle on his bag. He did a quick check: Did he have something to write
with did he have his résumé and letter of recommendation ... was there anything else he needed? With five minutes to spare, Cameron took a
deep breath walked inside and asked the way to Mr. Liam's office.
What can the reader mostly infer about Cameron?
1. He is extremely disorganized.
He is afraid to have a meeting with Mr. Liam.
3. He is very bad at reading directions to new places.
4. He is nervous about getting to a job interview on time,

Read the passage

A New Place
Cameron leaped off the bus and searched frantically for 515 Barclay

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