27.09.2021 • 

Read the situations below and find out how proper selection of seeds is done. A.eager robert

robert is new in vegetables production. he is eager to start his new project since he has an area to use and he has available imported seeds given by his uncle.

1.do you think he will succeed in his project?

B.Saver rosa

rosa wants to start a vegetable garden. she wanted to save money in buying seed materials. she thought that the money saved from buying seeds will be used for fertilizers instead. to save more money every planting season, she planned of growing some vegetables on her farm for seed purposes.

1.do you think it is a sound idea?
2.can you cite some of its advantages?

C.wiser alex

alex wants to start his farm project but instead of buying seed materials from those who sells quality one, he plans to buy seeds from the local market where seeds are intended for food preparation. he plans to buy one kilogram of bean seeds which cost less than those in the bureau of plang industry.

1.is the source of his seed materials good or not?
2.what will happen to the seeds that he bought if planted on his farm?

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