30.07.2019 • 

Read this passage: proof found in australia links humans to dinosaurs the australian society for the study of subcutaneous cultures (asssc) today released information about the discovery of a previously unknown species of human that could provide more insight to when humans first walked the earth. a complete skeleton found on the coast plains, near melbourne, has anthropologists excited about the possibility of adding another link to the chain of human history. scientist peter l. reilly describes the find: "this mammal, which we have named homo jurassicus parkus, appears to share several similarities with both modern humans and jurassic-era dinosaurs. the skull shape, for instance, measures only 1/15th of a centimeter larger than the common homo sapiens skull, and the metatarsal bones of the feet share a distinctive pattern with those identified from fossils belonging to compsognathus, a genus of small, bipedal, carnivorous dinosaurs that are believed to have lived over 150 million years ago." researchers have been flocking to the canady site in hopes of finding more proof that dinosaurs and humans share a deeper connection than previously thought. why might people accept this article as fact? a. it includes information that people find interesting. b. it quotes a scientist who seems to know a lot about the topic. c. it uses short sentences that give a lot of information. d. it refers to the names of real people and places.

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