20.04.2020 • 

Review the excerpt.

If those days are not to come to pass—if we are to have a world in which we can breathe freely and live in amity without fear—the peace-loving nations must make a concerted effort to uphold laws and principles on which alone peace can rest secure.

Which conclusion best explains how the excerpt's organizational pattern communicates the author's purpose?

The chronological organizational pattern suggests that America has a long history of involvement in foreign affairs, and then suggests that this involvement must continue.

The cause and effect organizational pattern suggests that America is in immediate danger, and she should ally herself with the nations who can provide the best military protection.

The compare and contrast organizational pattern suggests that America should occupy other nations and establish laws that make other countries accept her rule.

The problem and solution organizational pattern creates a mood of hope and possibility; this persuades Americans that they must act to secure a more certain future.

Read this passage from Roosevelt's "Quarantine" speech:

War is a contagion, whether it be declared or undeclared.

Which piece of evidence helps support the viewpoint expressed in this passage?

The hopes for peace thus raised have of late given way to a haunting fear of calamity.

They want to exert themselves in industry, in agriculture and in business, that they may increase their wealth.

We are adopting such measures as will minimize our risk of involvement, but we cannot have complete protection…

Civilians, including vast numbers of women and children, are being ruthlessly murdered with bombs from the air.

Roosevelt explains that one of his reasons for quarantining aggressors is that the peace and prosperity Americans were enjoying would be threatened.

Which piece of evidence best supports this reasoning?

Some fifteen years ago the hopes of mankind for a continuing era of international peace were raised to great heights when more than sixty nations solemnly pledged themselves not to resort to arms in furtherance of their national aims and policies.

On my trip across the continent and back I have been shown many evidences of the result of common sense cooperation between municipalities and the Federal Government.

To paraphrase a recent author, "perhaps we foresee a time when men, exultant in the technique of homicide, will rage so hotly over the world that every precious thing will be in danger."

The high aspirations expressed in the Briand-Kellogg Peace Pact and the hopes for peace thus raised have of late given way to a haunting fear of calamity.

Read the sentence.

An American businessperson discovered a stockpile of King Tut's items that had been hidden in a safe tomb, which had a clay sealing covering it.

Which answer best identifies the independent clause?

that had been hidden in a safe tomb

An American businessperson discovered a stockpile of King Tut's items

that had been hidden in a safe tomb, which had a clay sealing

which had a clay sealing covering it

Review the media:

Poster with soap in the background, a photo of a man and boy washing their hands, and details about when and how to wash hands properly.

Based on the factual content of the media piece, what is its intent?

to convince you to visit the CDC's handwashing website for more information about handwashing

to persuade you to wash your hands before, during, and after preparing food

to teach everyone how and when to wash their hands

to encourage you to stay healthy

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