24.04.2021 • 

ROSE: Let the boy have ten dollars, Troy. TROY (to LYONS.): What the hell you looking at me for? I ain’t got no ten dollars. You know what I do with my money. (To ROSE.) Give him ten dollars if you want him to have it.
ROSE: I will. Just as soon as you turn it loose.
TROY (handing ROSE the money): There it is. Seventy-six dollars and forty-two cents. You see this, Bono? Now, I ain’t gonna get but six of that back.
ROSE: You ought to stop telling that lie. Here, Lyons. (She hands him the money.)
LYONS: Thanks, Rose. Look . . . I got to run . . . I’ll see you later. ( Line 152- 157 ).

My question is : what does Rose's behavior toward Leon signify ???

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