30.01.2020 • 

Select the correct text in the passage. the author argues that outsiders would take advantage of the sentinelese people if given the opportunity. which sentence from the passage is evidence to support this idea?

the sentinelese people
there are very few groups of people today who do not have contact with the outside world. the sentinelese people on north sentinel island are one of these rare groups. north sentinel island is located in the andaman island chain in the bay of bengal, west of thailand. north sentinel island is surrounded by coral reefs, which act as a natural barrier. for centuries, these reefs have discouraged explorers from landing on the island.
the government of india has claimed ownership of north sentinel island. in the 1970s, indian government officials attempted to visit the island. the sentinelese people fired arrows and chased them away. the indian government decided to protect the sentinelese people. in the 1990s, the government passed laws to forbid people from visiting north sentinel island. these laws also prohibit people from trying to communicate with the sentinelese people.
the indian government is right to leave the sentinelese people alone. exposing the sentinelese to the outside world could cause them to lose their traditional way of life. the sentinelese people have lived without modern conveniences for centuries. they have managed to survive just fine without the machines and technology of the modern world.
the sentinelese should remain isolated to prevent people from exploiting them. there are numerous examples throughout history of outsiders abusing the land and resources of native peoples. the jarawa people who live near north sentinel island are a prime example. the jarawa hunt wild pigs and other animals for food. settlers and tourists have invaded the island and have built roads throughout the heart of the jarawas' land. the roads and the people who travel up and down them are destroying the natural habitat of the island.
one of the gravest dangers that isolated groups such as the sentinelese face is the spread of disease. native peoples are not immune to foreign diseases. this has often been the case throughout history. when native people are contacted by outsiders, they are infected with life-threatening illnesses.
the influence from outsiders could potentially destroy the sentinelese way of life. the sentinelese people have survived on north sentinel island without the assistance of the outside world. any interference from foreigners would change their world permanently. these people have made it clear that they want to be left alone. so why don't we do them that kindness?

a. in the 1990s, the government passed laws to forbid people from visiting north sentinel island.

b. the sentinelese people have lived without modern conveniences for centuries.

c. settlers and tourists have invaded the island and have built roads throughout the heart of the jarawas' land.

d. the influence from outsiders could potentially destroy the sentinelese way of life.

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