10.11.2020 • 

Select the sentence from Paragraph 2 that best demonstrates the tension during the rising action that indicates that Mariah and Jordyn are not comfortable with each other at first. Jordyn the jock was not as bad as I thought she would be when I first learned we'd been paired to lead the cabin of eight-year-olds. My biggest fear was that she would sign us up for a 10-mile hike and spend the whole time scoffing at our inferior endurance. That kind of attitude was about as far from her actual personality as it gets, I soon discovered. The first day, Jordyn split the cabin into teams and told them they would compete for points-like the house cup in Harry Potter -although when I pointed out the connection to the story, she didn't really know what I meant. "If nothing else, this will all be great material for a story someday," I informed followers of my blog.

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