06.04.2020 • 

SENTENCES – Unscramble the sentences worksheet
Can you put these sentences into the proper grammatical order?
1. Milky at edge Solar the of Our System sits the Way. 2. I my trip took 1000 On recent to Europe over pictures. 3. to the is plumber the fix soon tap very coming Fortunately. 4. friends football the watching took on my All enjoy telly. 5. possible mother as often My shopping loves as. COMPLEX SENTENCES
6. I to chance travel the whenever have love I. 7. immediately broken came the two and plates I and saw into kitchen. 8. morning get alarm each the When I shopping sounds clock up. 9. ring her mother a very was diamond My valuable lost grandmother’s which. 10. teacher as homework we us The told do must as often Miss Grace we could our.

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