03.03.2020 • 

Someone please help me with these questions! Their all related to the novel “Journal of a Plague Year” by Daniel Dafoe!

6- Reread lines 79–124, about the narrator’s encounter with the desperate man. What aspects of verisimilitude make the most impact in this scene? Review the list of conventions on page 593, if necessary.

8- Compare Defoe’s work with The Diary of Samuel Pepys (page 580). Which author presents the more memorable account of London during the Restoration? Cite details from the texts to support your response.

9- In Defoe’s day, any advice doctors might offer on what caused disease was based on suspicion and guesswork. How might modern society’s response to a widespread outbreak of disease differ from the response Defoe describes in A Journal of the Plague Year?

How can a plague affect society?
Defoe published A Journal of the Plague Year in 1722, just decades after the actual epidemic struck London. Do you think Defoe wanted to create a moving, realistic portrayal of the suffering caused by the plague or did he want to exploit that suffering to provide readers with a sensational, shocking read? Explain your reasons.

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