15.12.2020 • 

The prophecy foretold that King Gallant would lose his crown to an individual with red hair, so he rounded up all the redheads in the
kingdom and banished them to the neighboring kingdom of Galtria.
When he had finished, the king gathered his most loyal knights and
went on a journey to seize the legendary Sacred Fleece from a rival
While the king was away, the queen began to worry. The princess, who
was only a baby when the king left on his quest for the fleece, was
starting to grow hair for the first time - red hair. Suddenly, a page
rushed into the throne room and announced, "The king is returning!"
Which statement best explains the text's use of dramatic irony?
A. When the queen realizes that the princess has red hair, the author
uses the color red to symbolize the blood the king will spill.
B. When the king banishes all redheads to a neighboring kingdom,
the audience knows that the banished subjects will ultimately take
up arms against him.
C. When the queen realizes that the princess has red hair, the reader
becomes aware that the king will react negatively to his daughter.
D. When the king banishes all redheads to a neighboring kingdom, it
becomes apparent that he will have to learn to accept fate rather
than fight it.

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