09.02.2021 • 

Type your answers after each question - you may use a different font if you like. Make sure to use COMPLETE sentences. IE: #1 Anne Frank is a young girl who UPLOAD the assignment to the classroom when you are done. Assignment 1 6/14/42-9/29/42 1. Who is Anne Frank? 2. When does Anne's diary begin? Why is this day special? 3. Refer to the June 20, 1942 entry. What is meant by the saying, "paper is more patient than man"? Anne believes that her journal is less judgmental than a Humanı 4. Give a brief sketch of Anne's life prior to the beginning of the diary. 5. What are some of the restrictions that were placed on the Dutch Jews by the Germanis? 6. What forces the Franks into hiding? 7. Where is the Secret Annexe located? 8. What contact do the Franks and Van Daans have with the outside world? 9. In September, Peter and Anne begin their studies under the direction of Mr. Frank. What do they study? 10. Because of their close confinement and constant association with each other. friction among everyone occurs frequently. What are some of the clashes? E ed States)

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