12.03.2022 • 

What exactly does helpful, collaborative feedback look and sound like? In this discussion, you'll work with your peers to ensure that your feedback is actually relevant and helpful. Let's read Arnold's post:

Overall, I think a good guide is to focus your feedback on something specific, even if that means it's a relatively small thing. Big, sweeping observations like "Your organization is messy" or "I don't understand your argument" are really unhelpful and overwhelming. Instead, it's best to focus on one small piece of the overall organization and suggest a specific change; for example, "How about using a transitional phrase at the end of your introduction to guide the reader into your first claim?"

Create one post that answers the following prompt:

You will be providing feedback to peers. Suggest two guidelines for the group to follow to collaborate successfully.
Create two posts that:

Reply to your peers' comments and questions.

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