12.02.2021 • 

What is the similar and differences of this Salt and light
Jesus explains the role of his disciples as "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world." By living righteous, kingdom-focused lives, Jesus's disciples will make the world a better place and point others to God.
Jesus affirms the "laws" of the Kingdom of God are not contrary to the Law given to Moses by God. Instead, Jesus's teachings show that even the best attempts to live in obedience to the Law fall short of God's expectations, and he presents his instructions as intensifying and fulfilling biblical Law. In the Kingdom of God the attitude of the heart matters as much as the action.

Freedom of conscience

The document recognizes the right of an individual to be self-sufficient and to follow his or her beliefs and views, regardless of what the people around them advise. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion. And an understanding of the freedom of the human conscience for human rights and has been defined as that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and also provides for the freedom to change a person's religion and belief, the freedom for the individual to embody his religion in society, whether in public or private places, and the right to manifest it in education And practice and worship, as this concept indicates that every human being has complete freedom, not restricted by law or custom, to choose or change his thoughts, religion or beliefs as well, and man is free to form his opinions and viewpoints without being harmed or prevented by an individual in society or the state.

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