02.04.2020 • 

When the bell rang, Callie joined her friends in the lunch room. She sat down and began to unpack her lunch box. Inside she found a peanut butter sandwich, apple slices, and a juice box. She also found an extra bowl with a lid on it. Callie opened the lid and smiled. Her favorite snack! She quickly picked up a piece and took a bite. 2"What is that?" asked Sandy. 3"It's called ants on a log," said Callie. 4"Ew, that sounds gross!" exclaimed Sandy. 5Callie explained that the "logs" were celery sticks filled with peanut butter. The "ants" were raisins stuck to the peanut butter. When she finished explaining, Callie offered a piece to Sandy. Sandy slowly brought the snack to her lips and bit into it. 6"Wow, that tastes really good," Sandy said. 7Just then, Brandon sat down at the table. "Are you ready for the costume party tomorrow?" he asked. "I can't wait to wear my superhero costume." 8"I am going as Little Red Riding Hood," said Sandy. "My mom sewed my costume on her sewing machine, but I thought of the idea." 9Callie frowned. She had forgotten about the costume party. Her mom would never have enough time to make a costume by the next day. Callie took another bite of celery. 10"Callie, what is your costume?" asked Sandy. 11Callie thought for a minute. "It's a surprise," she finally said. 12"Oh, I love surprises," said Brandon. 13Callie thought about costumes for the rest of the day. When she got home, she found her mother in the kitchen. Callie was not looking forward to telling her mom that she had forgotten about the costume party and needed something to wear. She was about to explain her problem when she noticed more ants on a log on a plate on the table. Suddenly, Callie had an idea. 14She raced to her bedroom and dug through her closet. At long last, she found her old, light green jogging suit. Callie tried on the pants and shirt. They still fit! Next, Callie dug through the drawer where her mother kept winter hats, gloves, and scarves. At the bottom of the drawer, Callie found a light brown scarf. She tied the scarf around her neck and placed the long ends down the front of her shirt. Finally, she returned to the kitchen. Callie's mom raised her eyebrows when she saw Callie's clothes. 15Callie quickly explained, "We have a costume party at school tomorrow, and I'm going as my favorite snack." 16"What a good idea!" exclaimed Callie's mother. "I have just the thing to complete your costume." 17She grabbed a bottle of glue and a handful of raisins. She glued a few raisins to the light brown scarf. 18"All done," she said. 19Callie looked in the mirror. ". I look good enough to eat!" she said. "I can't wait to show off my costume tomorrow." Which narrative technique does the author use most often to develop the characters and story? A) pacing B) dialogue C) reflection D) sensory descriptions

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