22.01.2021 • 

Which answer option bestrevises the italicized sentence to include domain- specific vocabulary?
I dreaded taking an art class because my drawings never came out the
way I wanted them to. But what I realized is that there are many types
of art, and drawing is only one of many valuable artistic skills. In my
class, / was introduced to an art form that involves cutting out and
gluing pieces of colored paper, an art form based on molding clay into
shapes, and an art form in which still images are combined with music
and video using a computer. The best part was that I realized I do have
artistic talent after all!
A. In my class, I was able to try my hand at several forms of artistic
expression, all of which I greatly enjoyed.
OB. In my class, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to explore
prestigious genres of artistic expression, including utilizing paper
shapes to create images, building forms from clay in an ancient
and time-honored manner, and producing fascinating handiworks
using cutting-edge technology.
O C. In my class, I experienced paper art, clay art, and computer art.
D. In my class, I got to try collage, ceramics, and even digital
multimedia art.

Which answer option bestrevises the italicized sentence to include domain-

specific vocabulary?

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