22.04.2020 • 

Which claim do both passages support?
Read the two passages from Sugar Changed the World.
By the late 1700s, Saint Domingue (what is now Haiti) was
the world center of sugar. So many sugar plantations dotted
the landscape that slaves called commanders managed
other slaves. On the night of August 14, 1791, commanders
from the richest sugar plantations in Saint Domingue
gathered in a place called Alligator Woods and swore a
solemn oath. They would rise up against their white owners,
"and listen to the voice of liberty which speaks in the hearts
of all of us." That voice told them to destroy everything
related to sugar. Sugar made the Africans slaves, so sugar
must be wiped off the island, now a vast sugar factory to the
Haiti is a small island nation that has had little effect on
events in North America or Europe.
Sugar was such a powerful economic force that it led to
significant political changes.
Events in one part of the world rarely have a significant
effect on people in other regions.
O Natural disasters such as fires can have both political and
economic impacts on colonies.
By the end of August, the French colony was in flames. So
many cane fields were on fire that the air was filled with "a
rain of fire composed of burning bits of cane-straw which
whirled like thick snow." Smashing mills, destroying

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