26.01.2021 • 

Which detail best supports the idea that owls are successful predators? I remember well the great horned owl that sat on the windowsill of my kindergarten classroom. It was stuffed, of course, but quite imposing, nonetheless. This
grand specimen was nearly two feet long-with brown, white, and rusty red feathers. Its yellow eyes were large and perfectly round, giving it a wise look. Its talons
were thick and sharp, and on its brow two curved feathers stuck up, looking just like two horns. I got the impression that this bird was a great hunter.
Of the 145 species of owl, the great horned is the largest. Owls live in most parts of the world, ranging from tropical to subarctic climates. The elf owl is the smallest
at only six inches, but no matter what their size, all owls are good hunters. They hunt under cover of night, so their prey cannot see them. Unlike other birds, owls
have large, soft feathers that allow them to fly without making noise, which also makes them good predators. Farmers like owls because they keep pests such as
mice, voles, rats and even rabbits from their crops and stores of grain. And they have hearty appetites. Henry Williamson, a farmer in England, had eleven barn
owls on his farm. He kept careful watch on their hunting habits and was astounded to find that together they ate 150 mice each night! While farmers may be
grateful to owls, owners of cats and small dogs should beware; owls have been known to pluck up small pets that unknowingly wander into the birds' hunting

A. It’s yellow eyes were large and perfectly round, giving it a wise look.
B. Owls live in most parts of the world, ranging from tropical to subarctic climates.
C. They hunt under cover of night, so their prey cannot see them.
D. They have hearty appetites

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