20.10.2020 • 

Which of the following is not necessarily a primary source about Jackie Joyner-Kersee's influence on young girls in sports? A. The words of Olympian Marion Jones: "She encouraged me, said nice things to me, and I was just overwhelmed," says Jones. "Jackie was everybody's role model."

B. The words of Olympian Mia Hamm: "You could see that she loved everything she did and that she invested every ounce of strength she had in it," says Mia Hamm, who was 12 when Joyner-Kersee narrowly missed winning a gold medal in the heptathlon at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. "You saw her and you got the idea of what a woman athlete should be. At the time it seemed almost like she wasn't responsible for just her sport, but for all of women's sport."

C. The words of Olympian Julie Foudy: "When I was little, a lot of women's sports heroes were gymnasts and figure skaters, and I just could not relate to those sports," says Julie Foudy, Hamm's U.S. soccer teammate and, like Hamm, a teenager during Joyner- Kersée's finest days. "Jackie I could relate to."

D. The words of the author: In ways that could be measured, Jackie Joyner-Kersee was one of the greatest Olympic athletes in history and in ways that could not, she was a rare combination of courage and grace, of power and vulnerability. A generation of women lool into her face and saw something they had never before seen in sport, and they were drawn to it.

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