02.07.2019 • 

Which passage is written in first-person point of view?
o alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a
moment: she looked up, but it was all dark overhead: before her
was another long passage, and the white rabbit was still in sight,
hurrying down it.
she had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and
a sour expression. her hair was yellow, and her face was yellow
because she had always been ill in one way or another.
o there was once a king of athens whose name was ægeus. he had
no son; but he had fifty nephews, and they were waiting for him
to die so that one of them might be king in his stead. they were
wild, worthless fellows, and the people of athens looked forward
with dread to the day when the city should be in their power.
o i do not remember my first lie, it is too far back; but i remember
my second one very well. i was nine days old at the time, and
had noticed that if a pin was sticking in me and i advertised it in
the usual fashion by crying, i was lovingly petted and coddled
and pitied in a most agreeable way.

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