03.03.2021 • 

Written Assignment: Pronouns Read the following paragraph and rewrite it, replacing any incorrect pronouns with the correct choices. To help you, pronouns are in bold lettering. (See the first sentences for an idea of how to do this.) Then, answer the questions below the passage.

Ourselves (Our) Disastrous Hockey Game.

The hockey sticks lay on the ground ready for we (us) to play. Your (my) brothers, Jack, and Ben picked up hers (theirs), and me (I) picked up yours (mine). They decided to play, this particular day, without her elbow pads, who turned out to be a mistake. Racing towards the goal, me shot a puck right into the net. "One score for myself!" she shouted victoriously, throwing my arms into the air. Unfortunately, the stick hit our brother, knocking it right over. They wasn't very long before Jack began to cry in pain. Where had fallen right on that arm. Ben and Myself ran to that, and saw who lying in the street. "Who's going on?" called Mom, whom had run into the street to see that the noise was all about. Themselves explained that brother Jack had hurt theirs and my arm seemed to be broken. Sure enough, after a trip to us local hospital, Jack was wearing a cast. Our was very proud of her, though, and collected many signatures on them to memorialize that disastrous hockey game! Now, they always wear elbow pads!

Questions to think about:

What happens when we misuse pronouns?
How did you know where to replace/correct pronouns?
What kinds of pronouns you had to use.
What ideas do you have for proofreading so that you catch pronoun problems?

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