21.10.2020 • 

• You will create your own sonnet, which will show that you understand the structure and content of the sonnet.
• Remember: We have studied: Sonnets 18, 29, 130 by Shakespeare and Sonnets 75 and 30 by
Spenser. You will have 2 class periods ( asynch and synch) to complete.
• Sonnet Topic: The usual topics for sonnets are about love or death or time ( We studied sonnets
mostly about love and time) the characters include girl/boy, friend, mother, daughter, son, sibling,
grandparent, father, any one admirable or some idea (lack of love, appreciation of something,
loyalty ....) The sonnet can be on a serious note or a humorous note.
• Sonnet Structure: Use the correct sonnet organization, (3 quatrains followed by a couplet)
rhyme scheme, (abab bcbc cdcd ee) or (abab cdcd efef gg) and meter mostly iambic pentameter.
(Each line having 10 syllables)
• Content of Sonnet: your sonnet should begin with a complaint, conflict, or problem. (for
example Sonnet 18 begins with a question with a series of negative answers) You should use
conceits( at least one elaborate metaphor) and poetic language Include an obvious turn in the
sonnet. (signal words for the urn: so, yet, but, ...) Remember the turn is the shift in the
situation of the events in your sonnet and will explain the message and meaning you want
to express. You may use modern day language.

• You will create your own sonnet, which will show that you understand the structure and content of

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