13.04.2020 • 

50 points please help!!

2. Translate the following verbs from French to English or English to

*verb to be used Choisir change it to past tense.
1. She chose the yellow hat. Or I have chosen the yellow Hat.

2. You (singular) chose the blue skirt. Or You have chosen the
blue skirt.

3. I chose the blue sweater. Or I have chosen the blue

*verb to be used in English is to nourish and change it to past tense.

4. Vous avez nourri les

5. Tu as nourri le chien.

6. Il a nourri le chat.
*Punir is the verb to be used (to ground or to punish)

7. You (plural) grounded the grandson.

8. You (singular) grounded your daughter.

3. Which of the 3 forms represents past tense in French
1. Je choisis J'ai choisi je vais choisir

2. Tu as grandi tu grandis tu avez grandi

3. Il a puni il as puni. Il est puni

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