18.02.2020 • 

Andrew and Deshawn are teammates on a high school soccer team. They’ve been playing soccer together for years. They both play the center forward position. Some years, Andrew is better than Deshawn and serves as the team’s starter. Other years, Deshawn is the stronger player and gets the most playing time. They are both very competitive with each other. Although they know each other well, they have never been friends. In practice yesterday, the team was running drills in the rain. Deshawn slipped in the mud and collided with Andrew. Andrew hurt his knee badly in the fall and will have to sit out for several weeks. The next day, Andrew told everyone at school that Deshawn hurt him on purpose to get more playing time. Deshawn retaliated by sharing private information about Andrew on social media. Andrew’s best friend Mateo saw the collision. He knows it was a complete accident.

What ethical issues are involved for Andrew?
Why are these ethical issues relevant for this person?

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