09.11.2020 • 

The thumb contains a saddle joint the only saddle joint for that fact, but, it would be different if it had a ball and socket, pivot joint, hinge, gliding or an condyloid. But before I start about all the others I will go over the saddle joint. The saddle joint is a joint that has the characteristic that by two matching concave and convex surfaces. It allows it to move into multiple directions. Like I said that the thumbs is the only one to have a saddle joint in the human body. Now, if the thumb had a pivot joint it would be very different. But, before I tell you the consequences about your thumb having a pivot joint, I am going to tell you what a pivot joint is. A pivot joint is when the joint allows you to rotate one bone around another bone. Just for fun an example would be your head. your head rotates around another bone. Now for the consequences, are that when you move your thumb it will move all the way around when you just want to move all your fingers and thumb backward and forward.

The hinge joint is when two bones are contoured to another. The motion in these joints is limited to one plane. An example is your knee and your elbow. If your thumb had an hinge joint you would be able to move it back and forth. Which if you ask me it would be kind of creepy. You thumb would be able to move just like your knees and elbows.

Now, for the ball and socket. A ball and socket joint is a bone that is shaped at the end with a matching circular end. When the two join together the ball end should fit into the circular cup end. They allow for the greatest range of motion. An example of an ball and socket would be your shoulder and your hip. The consequences of your thumb having a ball and socket would be just horrible and if you ask me gross. Your thumb could move in a 360. that would just be gross or even cool to some people.

For my favorite joint the gliding joint. Now, an gliding joint is when a almost flat bone is joined with another almost flat bone. You would only get a little glide from the bone. To examples would be your hand bone/ carpals and your foot bone/ tarsals . The consequences would be as bad but kind of gross, your thumb would be able to move side to side in the middle of your thumb. You probably be able to see you bone actually move, Gross!

The condyloid joint is formed when a bone with an elliptical end is connected with another bone with an elliptical cup. Its allowed to rotate in two planes and its similar to the ball and socket joint. Three examples would be your wrist, fingers (not the thumb, because your thumb is not a finger), and your jaw. the consequences would be that you could move you thumb side to side but, also move it up and down. Now, that is just gross if you ask me. Super gross!

Now, time for a bone-us! The thumb has to have a range of motion. Range of motion is the distance of an object can travel when its connected to another object. So in this cast the bone has a range of motion that it can travel while it is connected to another bone. So, for example if you stretch your bone are moving as much as they can due to range of motion. But, you joints has to have a range of possible motion and they need to have a range of actual motion. The range of motion can be measured for each joint in your body. Range of motion is the maximum distance and direction a joint should be able to move. To measure your joint you use a goniometer.

You also need to make sure you keep your joints healthy. To keep them healthy you need to eat a healthy diet and exercise.

That is all about the joint and the consequences if you thumb had a pivot, ball and socket, hinge, gliding, and condyloid.

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