24.06.2019 • 

1. what did new deal farm programs seek to accomplish? a provide a guaranteed income for all farmers b mechanize agriculture in order to make farming more efficient c trim farmers' debts by providing low-interest rate government loans d reduce production by having farmers take land out of cultivation 2. which of the following was an accomplishment of the new deal? a wealth was radically redistributed. b farmers received a guaranteed 40 acres of land. c impoverished children were provided with free college education. d government provided work programs for the unemployed. 3. true or false: the idea that individuals should be strong and self-reliant and not dependent on the government for economic support is known as rugged individualism. a true b false 4. true or false: after the bonus army demonstrated around the capitol and lobbied senators, the senate passed the bonus bill. a true b false 5. which of the following caused the dust bowl? select all that apply. a over-planting of crops b blinding dust storms c a long period of drought d powerful machines tearing up the grasslands 6. what did fdr speak to the american people about in his first fireside chat? a the dust bowl b the banking crisis c immigration d homelessness 7. which of the following best describes a success of the new deal? a ended depression unemployment b broke up large corporations c restored public confidence d nationalized the banking system 8. how did the new deal assist workers? select all that apply. 1points a by funding public works projects b by mandating an eight-hour day c by guaranteeing an income raise for all d by guaranteeing a higher stock market

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