22.02.2021 • 

2.Why would the Goodnight-Loving Trail or the Great Western trail be used to send cattle to California? Other Questions and Vocabulary from the Unit (pages 473-553)
3.What were cowboys in the 1820s and 1830s called? (#477)
4.What was a stockyard? (#480)
5.Who was Jesse Chisholm? (#480)
6.Why did the Western Trail become the major route for driving cattle north by about 1876? (#481)
7.What is a quarantine? (#483)
8.What was the result of the development of railroads throughout Texas in relation to the cattle industry? (#484)
9.What was the name of the biggest ranch in Texas? (#486)
10.What invention ended the “open range” in the late 1800s? (#488)
11.Give one reason why beef prices eventually fell. (#490)
12.What was “dry farming”? (#493)
13.What was one impact of the railroads?9#493)
14.What was a sharecropper? (#496)
15.What was one challenge of tenant farming? (#497)
16.What political party regained control of the TX legislature by 1872? (#504)
17.Which US Supreme Court case said that “separate but equal” facilities were Constitutional? (#506)
18.What were the Jim Crow Laws? (#506)
19.What did women fight for during the “suffrage” movement? (#509)
20.What was the purpose of the transcontinental railroad? (#512)
21.Give one reason farmers faced problems in the late 1800s. (#517)
22.What is “progressivism”? (#519)
23.Which Texas governor focused on regulating the railroads? (#521)
24.Which industry boomed in Texas after Spindletop? (#529)
25.What disaster in Texas led to reform in 1900? (#540)
Bonus: In your opinion, what was Annie Webb Blanton’s greatest achievement in Texas education and why?

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