24.03.2021 • 

20 PTS. I NEED HELP!! Anybody know how to do this?? Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan
a. What date did Lincoln issue his proclamation of amnesty?
b. What were the three parts of his plan?
c. How would you describe Lincoln’s plans for dealing with the South? Would you consider it a lenient policy or strict? Explain your answer.

Johnson's Plan for Reconstruction
a. Describe what you see in the political cartoon. What does it tell you about the illustrator’s opinion of Johnson?
b. What elements did Johnson’s plan include?
c. What similarities did Johnson and Lincoln’s plans have?

Freedmen's Bureau
a. Describe the purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau.
b. What benefits did it offer?

a. What happened to land in the South following the Civil War?
b. Explain how the system of sharecropping worked.
c. Explain why sharecropping created a cycle of debt for farmers.

Jim Crow Era
a. What were three ways Southerners tried to disrupt African Americans from voting.
b. Explain how the poll tax and literacy tests were not a violation of the 15th amendment.
c. What law was finally passed in 1965 which abolished Jim Crow era voting laws? What did it say?

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