18.10.2020 • 

ANSWERS TO THE EDGE. The Gupta Empire (Summarizing Scientific Achievements in the Gupta Empire) assignment: 1. How did the borders of the Gupta Empire compare to the borders of the Maurya Empire?

The Maurya Empire extended farther south and west. (Correct)
The Maurya Empire was smaller than the Gupta Empire.
The Maurya Empire and the Gupta Empire had the same borders.
The Maurya Empire extended farther east than the Gupta Empire.

2. Which statement best summarizes Chandra Gupta II’s leadership style?

He led his subjects with fear and threats.
He led his people with the help of local leaders. (correct)
He led his citizens by leaving them to do as they pleased.
He led the empire with help from neighboring countries.

3. Which statement best summarizes how the Gupta Empire benefited from trade?

Trade protected people from invasions.
Trade helped grow the empire’s armies.
Trade helped to control people’s choices.
Trade created a strong economy within the empire. (correct)

4. What does this passage reveal about Hindus’ belief in the soul?

They believe that the soul is a weapon.
They believe that the soul is everlasting. (correct)
They believe that the soul can be harmed.
They believe that the soul can be a burden.

5. Which statements describe architecture from the Gupta Empire? Choose three answers.

Buildings had flat roofs.
Buildings were filled with sculptures. (correct)
Buildings were constructed from wood.
Buildings were constructed from stone. (correct)
Buildings had beehive-shaped central towers. (correct)

6. How did the concepts of zero and the decimal system affect mathematics?

These concepts confused many mathematicians.
These concepts were lost after the Gupta Empire fell.
These concepts made multiplication and division easier. (correct)
These concepts built on the principles of Roman numerals.

7. Which achievements are contributions by the Gupta Empire? Choose four answers.

extracting metal from ore (correct)
inventing a way to keep time
performing medical surgeries (correct)
calculating the length of the year (correct)
measuring the distance to the sun
calculating the approximation of pi (correct)

8. Which statement best summarizes scientific achievements made during the Gupta Empire?

During the Gupta Empire, people made many advances in medicine and astronomy. (correct)
During the Gupta Empire, people made few achievements in medicine and astronomy.
During the Gupta Empire, people made few achievements in astronomy, but many achievements in medicine.
During the Gupta Empire, people made few achievements in medicine, but many achievements in astronomy.

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