19.08.2019 • 

Base your answer to question 13 on the statement
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
… the whole military force of the state is at the
service of a mr. suttle, a slaveholder from virginia,
to enable him to catch a man whom he calls his
property; but not a soldier is offered to save a
citizen of massachusetts from being kidnapped! is
this what all these soldiers, all this training, have
been for these seventy-nine years past [since the
beginning of the american revolution]? have
they been trained merely to rob mexico and carry
back fugitive slaves to their masters? …
— henry david thoreau, independence day speech at
framingham, massachusetts
the author of this statement is expressing
dissatisfaction with a provision included in the
(1) treaty of ghent (1815)
(2) oregon treaty of 1846
(3) compromise of 1850
(4) kansas-nebraska act (1854)

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