24.10.2020 • 

...can someone please tell me what I’m supposed to do.. sorry I didn’t quite understand what the teacher was asking of me ... 1. TOPIC SELECTION (record your choices below): (Complete and staple these pages to the front of your TYPED
assignment and submit the ELECTRONIC version by e-mail ATTACHMENT saved as LASTNAME.Black-Robe - not
following these guidelines will result in points being deducted)
A. Character (one of the characters depicted in the film, or a NEW one you create - you will write from this
B. Audience (the person or persons to whom your written piece is directed at - it may be another character, someone
of that era who did not appear in the film, or perhaps ever your character himself or herself)
C. Format (personal letter, journal entry or entries, report to your superiors, etc.)
A. Length - around 2 pages or 500 words (if typed, double spaced, 11-12 point font; if hand written, singled spaced).
B. Style - must fit with your character, audience, and format. Details must be consistent with the events of the film and
of the historical era in which it took place lin other words, make sure to get your characters

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