16.10.2020 • 

In this activity, you will complete an interest inventory online, evaluate the accuracy of your results, and discuss what type of career might be best for you. Go to this website and take the interactive interest inventory. It should take 5-10 minutes to complete the inventory. After you answer the questions, the Interest Profiler tool will present the results of the assessment. In which Interest category did you rate the highest? Do you think this result matches your personal interests? After you have explored your personal interest ratings, continue with the inventory and select the level of education you want to complete for your Job Zone. In this section, you must determine what level of education you want to complete. For example, do you only want to go to college for two years, or do you want to get a graduate degree in your field of interest? After you choose your level of education and training, you will get some Job Zone results. These Job Zone results identify specific careers that match your interests. Pick three of these careers and discuss whether or not they seem like they might be a good fit for you.

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