22.04.2020 • 

My fellow Americans: As President and Commander in Chief, it is my duty to the American people to report that renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply. . . . The determination of all Americans to carry out our full commitment to the people and to the government of South Vietnam will be redoubled by this outrage. Yet our response, for the present, will be limited and fitting. We Americans know, although others appear to forget, the risks of spreading conflict. We still seek no wider war.
—President Lyndon Johnson, Gulf of Tonkin speech, August 4, 1964.

Which of the following best describes the course of action that President Johnson wanted the United States to take when he gave this speech?
to support South Vietnam with as many United States troops as needed to win
to support South Vietnam with only United States air power
to support South Vietnam with United States economic assistance
to support South Vietnam with as little United States involvement as possible

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