11.05.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY TEST!! 1. Which was an important event in Italy's path to unification?

A. Lord Byron led a successful revolt that drove Austrian forces out of northern Italy.
B. King Victor Emmanuel appointed Count di Cavour prime minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia.
C. Napoleon and his army established a revolutionary government in Rome.
D. Count di Cavour made a secret treaty with Otto von Bismarck to obtain weapons.

2. Who controlled the area of southern Italy prior to the unification of the country?

A. Papal States
B. Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
C. Kingdom of Sardinia
D. Austrian Empire

3. With which country did Otto von Bismarck purposely start a war in 1866 to gain control of German-speaking states?

A. Italy
B. Russia
C. Austria
D. Great Britain

4. Why did Prussia go to war with France in 1870?

A. to gain a seaport on the Mediterranean
B. to contain the French Empire
C. to keep France from expanding its border into Prussian territory
D. to gain control of the German-speaking provinces of Alsace and Lorraine

5. Which term refers to the policy or action by which one country controls another?

A. imperialism
B. nationalism
C. absolutism
D. materialism

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