17.06.2021 • 

Read this excerpt from a political speech. Then complete the chart by identifying some of the most important characteristics of the speech. (8 points) "The greatest problem facing the United States today is the threat of terrorism. As members of Congress, we must do everything possible to ensure the safety of the citizens we represent. That is why I strongly urge my fellow senators to support this new antiterrorism bill. It will increase funding for vital security programs and allow law enforcement to more easily access the phone and Internet records of suspected terrorists. The bill will also make it more difficult for immigrants to enter this country if they're from areas with significant terrorist activity. This will help us stop terrorists before they have the chance to attack. Some organizations claiming to support civil liberties and immigrants' rights have criticized me for sponsoring this bill, but nobody should listen to anything they say. They apparently support terrorists having free access to our country! If you side with Americans and not terrorists, you will vote for my bill."

Read this excerpt from a political speech. Then complete the chart by identifying some of the most

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