13.11.2020 • 

"Scholars have been mesmerized by the huge extent of the present distribution of Bantu languages and could think of only a single process, an equally huge human migration, the Bantu expansion to explain it... [This scenario is fatally flawed, however
, for two reasons. First it fell prey to the illusion that only a migration could fit the evidence... But) a language can spread without involving the
migration of any communities. The second fatal error was to collapse a history which encompassed the developments of one to several millennio into a single migration event. The evidence shows
that many different dispersals of single languages succeeded each other at different times, not continuously."
Jan Vansina, historian, "New Linguistic Evidence and the Bantu Expansion scholarly article, 1995
All of the following statements are factually accurate. Which would best support the author's argument in the passage?
DNA evidence suggests human populations in western, central, and southern Africa share many similar genes,
Linguistic evidence shows that several small groups in central and southern Africa continue to speak non-Bantu languages.
C Archaeological evidence suggests that iron metallurgy spread across sub-Saharan Africa in several distinct waves, separated by hundreds of years.
Ethnographic evidence shows that many West African societies share common themes in their cultural and religious traditions,

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