17.08.2019 • 

Stress signal for ships at sea.
source: "declaration of tea party independence," february 24, 2010.
ne; the tea party movement takes its name from the boston tea pany of the revolutionary era.
tea party members believe in following the words and intent or
of the declaration and the consutu-
won. iney support a smaller government, lower taxes, and reduction of the national debt.
declaration of tea party independence
as the course of human events winds its way through nisbiy,
av through history, it has found some paths
lead to tyranny and some to liberty. in seeking a path to lideity, a great and powerful
movement is now rising from every corner of our land.
ner of our land. created by the will of the american
people, it rejects unconstitutional domination by the government that is supposed to be its ser-
vant. this movement has arisen, in large part, because our elected officials have failed
therefore, individuals acting through the tea party movement, seek to restore the
policies, which are proven to safeguard liberty and prosperity for all. we will organize,
demonstrate and vote until this restoration has been achieved.
document analysis
1. which of the four beliefs is the focus of this document?

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