09.03.2020 • 

Use this map to answer the following question: A map shows the African Kingdoms and Trading States. Red lines on the map show trading routes in Africa. The map shows Mali, Ghana, and Songhai in northwestern Africa. In northwestern Africa, the map shows Mali, with no active trade routes, along with Ghana and Songhai which each have numerous routes leading outward. Kumbi Saleh is a city in Ghana along a red line leading north toward Morocco and the Mediterranean Sea and east toward Songhai and other African kingdoms and states. Songhai is located to the east of Mali. Timbuktu and Gao are cities in Songhai that are located along a red line to the north, west, and south. © 2012 The Exploration Company Which of the following describes the ancient empire of Ghana?
A: The Smallest of the Kingdoms
B: Neutral in other groups' conflicts
C: Dependent on Distant Empires
D: Active in trade with others

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